![Hispanic woman working and holding baby daughter](http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xr/158313547.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=3&d=E713C2F924EEE033D6ADF338C5566B4462489F5CE9C13A2A22800B90D002765BE30A760B0D811297)
It's hard finding time to write when you have three little children at home. As soon as I sit down to write one of them either want something to eat or need a diaper change. Not to mention I have to keep my house clean, do laundry and make dinner. I'm working on a Young Adult novel called "Whispers in the Dark" and my plan is to finish it by the end of the summer as I will be attending McMaster University part-time in September. Any chance I get I jump on my laptop and continue to write, but I make sure I don't neglect my children. Usually I write a little in between meals or at night after the children have gone to bed. I have a lot of television shows that I enjoy watching, so thank goodness for DVR. As long as I write a little bit every day, it will get done. I will persevere!