![Mother kissing daughter as she gets on school bus](http://cache3.asset-cache.net/xr/109432724.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=3&d=DCA7241EC689BDE71598EC561014DB72CEBD4BC9B41C68F4C8C794FB05F2E3AAE30A760B0D811297)
My five year old just started
attending an Early Language Development school and now she takes a school bus to
and from school. I was really nervous about her riding the school bus. I used to take her to school myself and I
knew she arrived safely. Then I would pick her up from school and I
made sure she didn't forget anything. Now I have to give somebody else
that control and that really bothers me. I do have a choice though.
If I want I can drive her to school and pick her up myself, but I figured this was a
good way to prepare her and myself for next year. She will be in grade one and
will be attending a French Immersion school and she will have to take a big
yellow school bus to and from school. Right now she rides a small yellow school bus, so I'm taking
baby steps.
I met with her teacher and she
explained the school bus procedures. She advised me what happens when the
school bus arrives at the school and assured me that there's always a teacher
outside to meet the children. Again, I hate the idea of giving somebody
else that control. I also met with the bus driver and confirmed some
information. I prepared myself the night before by double checking the
bus number and the exact intersection the bus would be picking her up
from. I also confirmed the time the bus would be arriving. I
prepared my daughter by repeatedly telling her that she will be going to a new
school and riding the school bus to and from school instead of me driving her. She
was so excited for her first day at her new school as she couldn't wait to ride
the school bus. Obviously this was easier for her than it was for
When I picked her up from where the
bus dropped her off she was thrilled that she got to ride the school bus.
I have to admit I feel a little better now.
In my opinion it's normal for parents to feel anxiety about their children
riding the school bus for the first time.
Do your children ride the school
bus? How do you feel about that?
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